Care Of Appliances

If you use a dental appliance, Prosthodontics of the Carolinas offers detailed instructions for their proper care and maintenance. Common oral appliances include dentures or partial dentures, crowns, and bridges, all of which need care and maintenance to ensure that they last. Here are some tips to consider when wearing dental appliances:

  • Dentures & Partials

    Always ensure your denture and oral cavity are kept as clean as possible, since damage can still occur to the gums if proper care is not maintained. Clean your denture or partial daily, and store it in water when not in use. Caution: dentures are slippery when wet, so it is best to brush your dentures over a sink filled with water or over a towel. Using a soft toothbrush, brush any metal framework of your dentures with toothpaste in warm water, checking for “squeaky” clean surfaces. Brush and rinse acrylic and resin appliances with toothpaste. Soak appliances in warm water with a denture-cleaning tablet for 30 minutes to avoid yeast growth, and rinse before placing in back into your mouth. Always rinse and dry your storage container.

  • Dental Bridges

    When cleaning bridges, things can get a little tricky. One of the best tips is to purchase dental floss with a nylon threader that can reach under the tooth. You can also use an interproximal brush if you have enough space between the teeth to ensure floss fits through the teeth. A water flosser is another great choice, and can be just as effective as string floss.

  • Dental Crowns

    Just as you would with your natural teeth, brushing after breakfast and before bed is the best tip to caring for dental crowns. Floss well to remove plaque and calculus deposits. Use mouthwash every night, and visit your dentist regularly so any problems can be detected and corrected quickly. If a permanent crown comes off, contactDr. Ralph Hoffmann and Dr. Robert Klink immediately.

For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact our prosthodontists in Charlotte, North Carolina. Our team is eager to be of service to you!

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